Experiments in program optimisation

How to make C run as fast as Java

Story: De-multiplexing of E1 streams

Tags: C C++ Java GCC optimisation

15 May 2014

No, there isn’t a mistake in the title. Everyone expects that C programs always run faster than Java programs, but in the recent articles (“De-multiplexing of E1 stream: converting to C” and “The mystery of an unstable performance”) we came across the example of the opposite.

These are the versions in question and the performance data, as published at the end of the last article:

Method Results in Java Results in C
Dst_First_1 1155 1457
Dst_First_2 2093 1454
Dst_First_3 1022 1464

We can see that Dst_First_1 and Dst_First_3 are faster in Java than in C. There are other irregularities as well: in Java Dst_First_3 is quite a bit faster than Dst_First_1, while in C it is a bit slower. In Java Dst_First_2 is much slower while in C it runs at the same speed as Dst_First_1. Why is this?

Looking at the code: pointer aliasing

Let’s recall what these three versions of E1 de-multiplexors are:

Here is the code for all three versions:

class Dst_First_1 : public Demux
    void demux (const byte * src, unsigned src_length, byte ** dst) const
        assert (src_length % NUM_TIMESLOTS == 0);

        for (unsigned dst_num = 0; dst_num < NUM_TIMESLOTS; ++ dst_num) {
            for (unsigned dst_pos = 0; dst_pos < src_length / NUM_TIMESLOTS; ++ dst_pos) {
                dst [dst_num][dst_pos] = src [dst_pos * NUM_TIMESLOTS + dst_num];

class Dst_First_2 : public Demux
    void demux (const byte * src, unsigned src_length, byte ** dst) const
        assert (src_length % NUM_TIMESLOTS == 0);

        unsigned dst_size = src_length / NUM_TIMESLOTS;
        for (unsigned dst_num = 0; dst_num < NUM_TIMESLOTS; ++ dst_num) {
            byte * d = dst [dst_num];
            unsigned src_pos = dst_num;
            for (unsigned dst_pos = 0; dst_pos < dst_size; ++ dst_pos) {
                d[dst_pos] = src[src_pos];
                src_pos += NUM_TIMESLOTS;

class Dst_First_3 : public Demux
    void demux (const byte * src, unsigned src_length, byte ** dst) const
        assert (src_length == NUM_TIMESLOTS * DST_SIZE);

        for (unsigned dst_num = 0; dst_num < NUM_TIMESLOTS; ++ dst_num) {
            for (unsigned dst_pos = 0; dst_pos < DST_SIZE; ++ dst_pos) {
                dst [dst_num][dst_pos] = src [dst_pos * NUM_TIMESLOTS + dst_num];

Let’s compile the program with all necessary flags

c++ -S -O3 -falign-functions=32 -falign-loops=32 -o e1.asm e1.cpp

and look at the assembly:

        subq    $8, %rsp
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
        testb   $31, %dl
        jne     .L46
        shrl    $5, %edx
        xorl    %r10d, %r10d
        .p2align 5
        xorl    %eax, %eax
        testl   %edx, %edx
        movl    %r10d, %edi
        je      .L50
        .p2align 5
        movl    %edi, %r8d
        addl    $32, %edi
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r8), %r9d
        movq    (%rcx,%r10,8), %r8
        movb    %r9b, (%r8,%rax)
        addq    $1, %rax
        cmpl    %eax, %edx
        ja      .L52
        addq    $1, %r10
        cmpq    $32, %r10
        jne     .L47
        addq    $8, %rsp
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
        movl    $_ZZNK11Dst_First_15demuxEPKhjPPhE19__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, %ecx
        movl    $103, %edx
        movl    $.LC0, %esi
        movl    $.LC2, %edi
        call    __assert_fail

A quick look at the inner loop (the code between .L52 and .L50) reveals that there is something that can be optimised there:

        movzbl  (%rsi,%r8), %r9d
        movq    (%rcx,%r10,8), %r8
        movb    %r9b, (%r8,%rax)

There are three memory access instructions here. The first one reads a byte from the address %rsi at the offset %r8, where %r8 is a copy of a loop variable (%edi), which is incremented by 32 for each loop iteration. Clearly, this is

    src [dst_pos * NUM_TIMESLOTS + dst_num]

The second one reads a quadword (8 bytes) from the address %rcx at the offset %r10*8, where %r10 is the outer loop variable (it is incremented by one each iteration). This is clearly dst[dst_num].

And the third one writes the byte read by the first instructin to the address just read from dst[dst_num] at the offset %rax, where %rax is another inner loop variable. This is writing to dst[dst_num][dst_pos].

This means that dst[dsn_num] was not identified as an expression, which is invariant in the inner loop, and it wasn’t moved out of the loop. The reason is in potential pointer aliasing.

Unlike Java, C and C++ are quite tolerant towards pointer behaviour. The original version of C was absolutely liberal – pointers were allowed to point anywhere, and the same area of memory could be accessed via multiple pointers of arbitrary types. This reduced the optimisation oppotrunity, since for any two pointers of unknown nature the compiler should assume that they could pointer to the same memory. This is what GCC is still doing when strict pointer aliasing is switched off. Later (in the first C standard, ‘ANSI/ISO 9899:1990’, commonly referred to as ‘ANSI C’) the aliasing rules became stricter. An object now can only be accessed by two pointers of “similar” types (int and unsigned are considered similar), and by a char pointer. This allows a compiler to optimise pointer dereferences where types are different and neither of the pointers is a char*. In GNU C this is called a strict aliasing rule and is switched on by the -fstrict-aliasing switch, which is a part of the -O2 optimisation pack.

The impact of the strict aliasing rule can be seen in the following examples, where b() models Dst_First_1::demux:

void a (int ** p)
    p[0][0] = 0;
    p[0][1] = 1;

void b (char ** p)
    p[0][0] = 0;
    p[0][1] = 1;

This is how they are compiled:

        movl    4(%esp), %eax
        movl    (%eax), %eax
        movl    $0, (%eax)
        movl    $1, 4(%eax)

        movl    4(%esp), %eax
        movl    (%eax), %edx
        movb    $0, (%edx)
        movl    (%eax), %eax
        movb    $1, 1(%eax)

We can see that the code for b() contains an extra instruction

        movl    (%eax), %eax

The reason is that the compiler assumed aliasing of p[0] (of type char*) and p (of type char**), and did not optimise the second p[0]. When compiling a() this did not happen because int* does not alias int**.

Unfortunately, our Dst_First_1::demux is similar to b(): dst + dst_num is of type char**, while dst[dst_num] + dst_pos is a char*, and they are considered aliased. As a result, the compiler did not optimise repetitive access to dst[dst_num].

The analysis of the code for Dst_First_3 shows the same problem.

The only way I know to improve the code is to optimise the program manually. This is what we’ve done in Dst_First_2, but there we also performed strength reduction, which could affect the code somehow. Let’s write versions of Dst_First_1 and Dst_First_2 with only dst[dst_num] optimised, but no strength reduction (the code is here):

class Dst_First_1a : public Demux
    void demux (const byte * src, unsigned src_length, byte ** dst) const
        assert (src_length % NUM_TIMESLOTS == 0);

        for (unsigned dst_num = 0; dst_num < NUM_TIMESLOTS; ++ dst_num) {
            byte * d = dst [dst_num];
            for (unsigned dst_pos = 0; dst_pos < src_length / NUM_TIMESLOTS; ++ dst_pos) {
                d [dst_pos] = src [dst_pos * NUM_TIMESLOTS + dst_num];

class Dst_First_3a : public Demux
    void demux (const byte * src, unsigned src_length, byte ** dst) const
        assert (src_length == NUM_TIMESLOTS * DST_SIZE);

        for (unsigned dst_num = 0; dst_num < NUM_TIMESLOTS; ++ dst_num) {
            byte * d = dst [dst_num];
            for (unsigned dst_pos = 0; dst_pos < DST_SIZE; ++ dst_pos) {
                d [dst_pos] = src [dst_pos * NUM_TIMESLOTS + dst_num];


11Dst_First_1: 1455
11Dst_First_2: 1453
11Dst_First_3: 1463
12Dst_First_1a: 1454
12Dst_First_3a: 1443

do not show anything exceptional. The speed of Dst_First_1 did not improve due to the optimisation, while the speed of Dst_First_3 did.

The code for Dst_First_1a looks better (I’ll only show the inner loop, the rest you can see in the repository, file e1.asm):

        movl    %edi, %r8d
        addl    $32, %edi
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r8), %r8d
        movb    %r8b, (%r9,%rax)
        addq    $1, %rax
        cmpl    %eax, %edx
        ja      .L37

It is difficult to say why this code isn’t faster than the original one. Perhaps an extra instruction got absorbed between the latencies of some other instructions, and the extra dependency that it creates was eliminated by dynamic instruction reordering. It is interesting to check how many CPU cycles it takes to perform the loop. This loop is executed 32 * 64 * 1000000 times in 1454 ms, which makes it 0.71 ns per loop. The CPU runs at 2.6 GHz, or at 0.38 ns per cycle. This means that these 7 instructions take 1.87 CPU cycles to execute. For this to happen, a lot of parallel execution must be going on, and who knows what the limit is? Perhaps, an extra instruction can be squeezed in somewhere as well.

The code for Dst_First_2 looks exactly like Dst_First_1a (except for one insignificant instruction swap), which proves that GNU C is good enough in performing operation strength reduction, and there is no point helping it to do it. We should rather try writing more easily readable code, and I believe that Dst_First_1a is easier to read than Dst_First_2.

The code for Dst_First_3a looks the best of all, you can see it in e1.asm in the repository.

But the code still runs slowly. The optimisation has not helped – at least, not on its own.

Looking at the code again: loop unrolling

The code for both Dst_First_1a and Dst_First_3a seems almost ideal. I can’t rewrite the assembly version manually and make it much faster; most likely, I can’t make it faster at all.

Unless I unroll the loops.

We’ve been talking a lot about loop unrolling in the original article (“De-multiplexing of E1 streams in Java”). We performed manual loop unrolling, sometimes taking it to extremes. But we know that some compilers are capable of performing some level of loop unrolling automatically. The only way to explain why Java executes this code in 1022 ms while C-compiled code runs for 1443 ms is that Java performs loop unrolling while C++ does not.

Why does GNU C not do it? Could it be that it is just a bad compiler? No. Unrolling all the loops in the program is probably as bad an idea as not unrolling anything at all, if not worse. Loop unrolling increases code size big time, and bigger code often runs slower. In addition, when the exact loop iteration count is unknown, some extra code is required at loop entry or exit to compensate for possible “leftovers”. In short, loop unrolling must be performed where it definitely benefits the program, and the C compiler does not know where this is, unless it has access to profiling data. Java has access to profiling data by design, that’s why it can perform such optimisations more efficiently.

GNU C has several switches that control loop unrolling:

Perform loop optimizations: move constant expressions out of loops, simplify exit test conditions and optionally do strength-reduction and loop unrolling as well. Enabled at levels -O, -O2, -O3, -Os
Unroll loops whose number of iterations can be determined at compile time or upon entry to the loop. -funroll-loops implies -frerun-cse-after-loop. It also turns on complete loop peeling (i.e. complete removal of loops with small constant number of iterations). This option makes code larger, and may or may not make it run faster.
Unroll all loops, even if their number of iterations is uncertain when the loop is entered. This usually makes programs run more slowly. -funroll-all-loops implies the same options as -funroll-loops

There are also some switches that control maximal size of unrolled loop, maximal number of times loops are unrolled and so on. We won’t use them, relying on the default values.

As you can see, -floop-optimize is capable of performing some unrolling, and it is invoked with -O3 option. But it didn’t unroll our loops.

The option -funroll-all-loops looks dangerous, it can easily make the program run slower.

Let’s try -funroll-loops:

c++ -O3 -falign-functions=32 -falign-loops=32 -funroll-loops -o e1 e1.cpp -lrt

9Reference: 1604
11Src_First_1: 1119
11Src_First_2: 1101
11Src_First_3: 1458
11Dst_First_1: 1079
11Dst_First_2: 880
11Dst_First_3: 1009
12Dst_First_1a: 882
12Dst_First_3a: 727
10Unrolled_1: 635
12Unrolled_1_2: 633
12Unrolled_1_4: 651
12Unrolled_1_8: 648
13Unrolled_1_16: 635
15Unrolled_2_Full: 635

Let’s put all the results into one table. The old results are taken from The mystery of an unstable performance.

Version Time in Java Old time in C New time in C
Reference 2860 1939 1604
Src_First_1 2481 1888 1119
Src_First_2 2284 1341 1101
Src_First_3 4360 1891 1458
Dst_First_1 1155 1457 1079
Dst_First_1a 882
Dst_First_2 2093 1454 880
Dst_First_3 1022 1464 1009
Dst_First_3a 727
Unrolled_1 659 636 635
Unrolled_1_2 654 634 633
Unrolled_1_4 636 655 651
Unrolled_1_8 637 650 648
Unrolled_1_16 25904 635 635
Unrolled_2_Full 15630 635 635


The unrolled code

Let’s have a look at the unrolled code (I’m excluding the assertion part; the full text is in the repository). This is Dst_First_1a:

        subq    $8, %rsp
        testb   $31, %dl
        jne     .L77
        shrl    $5, %edx
        xorl    %r10d, %r10d
        .p2align 5
        testl   %edx, %edx
        movl    %r10d, %r11d
        movq    (%rcx,%r10,8), %r8
        je      .L43
        movl    %r10d, %edi
        leal    -1(%rdx), %r9d
        movzbl  (%rsi,%rdi), %eax
        leal    32(%r11), %edi
        andl    $7, %r9d
        cmpl    $1, %edx
        movb    %al, (%r8)
        movl    $1, %eax
        jbe     .L43
        testl   %r9d, %r9d
        je      .L44
        cmpl    $1, %r9d
        je      .L71
        cmpl    $2, %r9d
        je      .L72
        cmpl    $3, %r9d
        je      .L73
        cmpl    $4, %r9d
        je      .L74
        cmpl    $5, %r9d
        je      .L75
        cmpl    $6, %r9d
        je      .L76
        movzbl  (%rsi,%rdi), %eax
        leal    64(%r11), %edi
        movb    %al, 1(%r8)
        movl    $2, %eax
        movl    %edi, %r11d
        addl    $32, %edi
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r11), %r9d
        movb    %r9b, (%r8,%rax)
        addq    $1, %rax
        movl    %edi, %r11d
        addl    $32, %edi
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r11), %r9d
        movb    %r9b, (%r8,%rax)
        addq    $1, %rax
        movl    %edi, %r11d
        addl    $32, %edi
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r11), %r9d
        movb    %r9b, (%r8,%rax)
        addq    $1, %rax
        movl    %edi, %r11d
        addl    $32, %edi
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r11), %r9d
        movb    %r9b, (%r8,%rax)
        addq    $1, %rax
        movl    %edi, %r11d
        addl    $32, %edi
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r11), %r9d
        movb    %r9b, (%r8,%rax)
        addq    $1, %rax
        movl    %edi, %r11d
        addl    $32, %edi
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r11), %r9d
        movb    %r9b, (%r8,%rax)
        addq    $1, %rax
        cmpl    %eax, %edx
        jbe     .L43
        movl    %edi, %r11d
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r11), %r9d
        leal    32(%rdi), %r11d
        movb    %r9b, (%r8,%rax)
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r11), %r9d
        leal    64(%rdi), %r11d
        movb    %r9b, 1(%r8,%rax)
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r11), %r9d
        leal    96(%rdi), %r11d
        movb    %r9b, 2(%r8,%rax)
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r11), %r9d
        leal    128(%rdi), %r11d
        movb    %r9b, 3(%r8,%rax)
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r11), %r9d
        leal    160(%rdi), %r11d
        movb    %r9b, 4(%r8,%rax)
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r11), %r9d
        leal    192(%rdi), %r11d
        movb    %r9b, 5(%r8,%rax)
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r11), %r9d
        leal    224(%rdi), %r11d
        addl    $256, %edi
        movb    %r9b, 6(%r8,%rax)
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r11), %r9d
        movb    %r9b, 7(%r8,%rax)
        addq    $8, %rax
        cmpl    %eax, %edx
        ja      .L44

This is Dst_First_3a:

        subq    $8, %rsp
        cmpl    $2048, %edx
        jne     .L40
        xorl    %r9d, %r9d
        .p2align 5
        movq    (%rcx,%r9,8), %rdi
        movl    %r9d, %edx
        xorl    %eax, %eax
        .p2align 5
        movl    %edx, %r8d
        leal    32(%rdx), %r10d
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r8), %r11d
        movb    %r11b, (%rdi,%rax)
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r10), %r8d
        leal    64(%rdx), %r11d
        movb    %r8b, 1(%rdi,%rax)
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r11), %r10d
        leal    96(%rdx), %r8d
        movb    %r10b, 2(%rdi,%rax)
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r8), %r11d
        leal    128(%rdx), %r10d
        movb    %r11b, 3(%rdi,%rax)
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r10), %r8d
        leal    160(%rdx), %r11d
        movb    %r8b, 4(%rdi,%rax)
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r11), %r10d
        leal    192(%rdx), %r8d
        movb    %r10b, 5(%rdi,%rax)
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r8), %r11d
        leal    224(%rdx), %r10d
        addl    $256, %edx
        movb    %r11b, 6(%rdi,%rax)
        movzbl  (%rsi,%r10), %r8d
        movb    %r8b, 7(%rdi,%rax)
        addq    $8, %rax
        cmpq    $64, %rax
        jne     .L29
        addq    $1, %r9
        cmpq    $32, %r9
        jne     .L28
        addq    $8, %rsp
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8



Coming soon

In the next article I’m going to look at the code generated for Dst_First_3a closely and check if it can be improved.

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