Experiments in program optimisation

From macros to templates

Tags: C C++ meta-programming templates

07 May 2014

In one of the previous articles I was using C macros to implement deep loop unrolling. I also mentioned C++ templates and stated that it was possible to use those for the same purpose, but that the code would look complex and ugly. Now I want to test this statement.

Simple unrolled methods

Let’s look at the first piece of unrolled code using macros, namely Unrolled_1 (you can see it in a repository):

#define MOVE_BYTE(i,j) d[i] = src [(j)+(i)*32]

#define MOVE_BYTES_64(j) DUP2_64 (MOVE_BYTE,j)

#define MOVE_TIMESLOT(j) do {\
        byte * const d = dst[j];\
        MOVE_BYTES_64 (j);\
    } while (0)

class Unrolled_1 : public Demux
    void demux (const byte * src, unsigned src_length, byte ** dst) const
        assert (NUM_TIMESLOTS == 32);
        assert (DST_SIZE == 64);
        assert (src_length == NUM_TIMESLOTS * DST_SIZE);

        for (unsigned j = 0; j < NUM_TIMESLOTS; j++) {
            MOVE_TIMESLOT (j);

Using templates, we can write it like this:

template<unsigned N> inline void move_bytes (const byte * src, byte * d,
                                             unsigned j)
    move_bytes<N-1> (src, d, j);
    d[N-1] = src [j + (N-1) * 32];

template<> inline void move_bytes<0> (const byte * src, byte * d, unsigned j)

inline void move_timeslot (const byte * src, byte ** dst, unsigned j)
    move_bytes<DST_SIZE> (src, dst [j], j);

class Unrolled_1 : public Demux
    void demux (const byte * src, unsigned src_length, byte ** dst) const
        assert (src_length == NUM_TIMESLOTS * DST_SIZE);

        for (unsigned j = 0; j < NUM_TIMESLOTS; j++) {
            move_timeslot (src, dst, j);

Some comments on this:

Deeper unrolling

This is what fully unrolled version looked like using macros:

class Unrolled_2_Full : public Demux
    void demux (const byte * src, unsigned src_length, byte ** dst) const
        assert (NUM_TIMESLOTS == 32);
        assert (DST_SIZE == 64);
        assert (src_length == NUM_TIMESLOTS * DST_SIZE);

        DUP_32 (MOVE_TIMESLOT);

We have move_timeslot function already, now we must provide a way to call it repeatedly. We’ll do it in exactly the same way we did move_bytes:

template<unsigned N> inline void move_timeslots (const byte * src, byte ** dst,
                                                 unsigned j)
    move_timeslots<N-1> (src, dst, j);
    move_timeslot (src, dst, j+N-1);

template<> inline void move_timeslots<0> (const byte * src, byte ** dst,
                                          unsigned j)

class Unrolled_2_Full : public Demux
    void demux (const byte * src, unsigned src_length, byte ** dst) const
        assert (src_length == NUM_TIMESLOTS * DST_SIZE);
        move_timeslots<NUM_TIMESLOTS> (src, dst, 0);

Parameter j defines the first timeslot to be moved. It’s been added to make move_timeslots<N>() suitable for partially unrolled versions, too:

class Unrolled_1_4 : public Demux
    void demux (const byte * src, unsigned src_length, byte ** dst) const
        assert (src_length == NUM_TIMESLOTS * DST_SIZE);
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < NUM_TIMESLOTS; j+=4) {
            move_timeslots<4> (src, dst, j);

We can go further if we observe that the partially unrolled versions are now using the unroll factor (which is 4 for Unroll_1_4) directly rather that as part of a macro name, and this factor is the only difference between them. It makes it possible to template the whole function:

template<unsigned F> class Unrolled_1_F : public Demux
    void demux (const byte * src, unsigned src_length, byte ** dst) const
        assert (src_length == NUM_TIMESLOTS * DST_SIZE);

        for (unsigned j = 0; j < NUM_TIMESLOTS; j+=F) {
            move_timeslots<F> (src, dst, j);

Later, instead of using classes Unrolled_1_2, Unrolled_1_4, etc., we can instantiate templates: Unrolled_1_F<2>, Unrolled_1_F<4>, etc. Just be prepared to see funny class names as results of typeid() call.

Class Unrolled_2_Full can be constructed as Unrolled_1_F<32>, but it looks clearer as it is.

Other versions

The remaining two versions (Unrolled_3 and Unrolled_4) both involve repeatitive calling of functions from demux(). The difference was that in Unrolled_4 it was the same function called 32 times, while in Unrolled_3 there were 32 different specialised functions. Using templates, we can do both: we can create service templated functions to implement loops, and we can create 32 instantiations of templated function. We can make all the service templates private members of a class, so there won’t be any need to #undef them after use. But it is easy to show that in our specific case all of that is unnecessary.

Here is the macro version of Unrolled_4:

class Unrolled_4 : public Demux
    void demux (const byte * src, unsigned src_length, byte ** dst) const
        assert (NUM_TIMESLOTS == 32);
        assert (DST_SIZE == 64);
        assert (src_length == NUM_TIMESLOTS * DST_SIZE);

#define DEMUX(i) demux_0 (src, dst[i], i)

        DUP_32 (DEMUX);

#undef DEMUX

    inline void demux_0 (const byte * src, byte * d, unsigned i) const
        MOVE_BYTES_64 (i);

The demux_0() here contains a fully unrolled loop that copies 64 bytes. The way to write such a loop in the templated implementation will be to call move_bytes<64>(). But there is no point creating and calling a special function demux_0(), whose sole purpose is calling another function. Instead, we can call that other function directly, and that is exactly what Unrolled_2_Full does.

Similar observation is applicable to Unrolled_3, except there we have 32 functions, each of which just calls move_bytes.

In short, both Unrolled_3 and Unrolled_4 are unnecessary and can be removed from our C++ code. In fact, they can be removed from the macro-based code as well. The only reason they were created in the first place was that in Java the compiler panicked at long functions.

I’ve put the templated code into separate file, e1-template.cpp. The code is available in the repository.

Running it

Now we are ready to compile and run our templated code. But first let’s recall the results for the macro-based code:

# ./e1
9Reference: 1939
11Src_First_1: 1885
11Src_First_2: 1924
11Src_First_3: 1892
11Dst_First_1: 1467
11Dst_First_2: 1445
11Dst_First_3: 1761
10Unrolled_1: 633
12Unrolled_1_2: 634
12Unrolled_1_4: 654
12Unrolled_1_8: 650
13Unrolled_1_16: 635
15Unrolled_2_Full: 635
10Unrolled_3: 635
10Unrolled_4: 655

# c++ -O3 -o e1-template e1-template.cpp -lrt
# ./e1-template
9Reference: 1940
10Unrolled_1: 634
12Unrolled_1_FILj2EE: 633
12Unrolled_1_FILj4EE: 653
12Unrolled_1_FILj8EE: 650
12Unrolled_1_FILj16EE: 646
15Unrolled_2_Full: 655

We see is that the templated versions are fast. Unrolled_1, Unrolled_2, Unrolled_4 and Unrolled_8 execute in exactly the same time as the macro-based versions. The Unrolled_1_16 and Unrolled_2_Full slow down a bit. This is most likely caused by the function inline limit and can possibly be improved by using appropriate compiler options. We won’t do it here, because Unrolled_1 is already fast enough.

The assembly output (which one can get by invoking the compiler with -S option) for Unrolled_1 is nearly identical for macro and templated versions. Here it is for curious readers (without the assertion failure handler):

        subq        $8, %rsp
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
        cmpl        $2048, %edx
        jne        .L13
        xorl        %edx, %edx
        .p2align 4,,10
        .p2align 3
        movzbl        (%rsi), %edi
        movq        (%rcx,%rdx), %rax
        addq        $8, %rdx
        movb        %dil, (%rax)
        movzbl        32(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 1(%rax)
        movzbl        64(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 2(%rax)
        movzbl        96(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 3(%rax)
        movzbl        128(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 4(%rax)
        movzbl        160(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 5(%rax)
        movzbl        192(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 6(%rax)
        movzbl        224(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 7(%rax)
        movzbl        256(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 8(%rax)
        movzbl        288(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 9(%rax)
        movzbl        320(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 10(%rax)
        movzbl        352(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 11(%rax)
        movzbl        384(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 12(%rax)
        movzbl        416(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 13(%rax)
        movzbl        448(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 14(%rax)
        movzbl        480(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 15(%rax)
        movzbl        512(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 16(%rax)
        movzbl        544(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 17(%rax)
        movzbl        576(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 18(%rax)
        movzbl        608(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 19(%rax)
        movzbl        640(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 20(%rax)
        movzbl        672(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 21(%rax)
        movzbl        704(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 22(%rax)
        movzbl        736(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 23(%rax)
        movzbl        768(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 24(%rax)
        movzbl        800(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 25(%rax)
        movzbl        832(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 26(%rax)
        movzbl        864(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 27(%rax)
        movzbl        896(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 28(%rax)
        movzbl        928(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 29(%rax)
        movzbl        960(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 30(%rax)
        movzbl        992(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 31(%rax)
        movzbl        1024(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 32(%rax)
        movzbl        1056(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 33(%rax)
        movzbl        1088(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 34(%rax)
        movzbl        1120(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 35(%rax)
        movzbl        1152(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 36(%rax)
        movzbl        1184(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 37(%rax)
        movzbl        1216(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 38(%rax)
        movzbl        1248(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 39(%rax)
        movzbl        1280(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 40(%rax)
        movzbl        1312(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 41(%rax)
        movzbl        1344(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 42(%rax)
        movzbl        1376(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 43(%rax)
        movzbl        1408(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 44(%rax)
        movzbl        1440(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 45(%rax)
        movzbl        1472(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 46(%rax)
        movzbl        1504(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 47(%rax)
        movzbl        1536(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 48(%rax)
        movzbl        1568(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 49(%rax)
        movzbl        1600(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 50(%rax)
        movzbl        1632(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 51(%rax)
        movzbl        1664(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 52(%rax)
        movzbl        1696(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 53(%rax)
        movzbl        1728(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 54(%rax)
        movzbl        1760(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 55(%rax)
        movzbl        1792(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 56(%rax)
        movzbl        1824(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 57(%rax)
        movzbl        1856(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 58(%rax)
        movzbl        1888(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 59(%rax)
        movzbl        1920(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 60(%rax)
        movzbl        1952(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 61(%rax)
        movzbl        1984(%rsi), %edi
        movb        %dil, 62(%rax)
        movzbl        2016(%rsi), %edi
        addq        $1, %rsi
        cmpq        $256, %rdx
        movb        %dil, 63(%rax)
        jne        .L11
        addq        $8, %rsp
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8


Using templates for meta-programming isn’t that bad. Effectively we are replacing loops with recursion, which is not the most intuitive thing to do. However, the resulting code is quite small, more flexible and, most important, it is efficient. A powerful function inlining engine that is built into the C++ compiler makes the generated machine code identical to that of macro version.

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